There's no fixed time for teething, but on average, most babies sprout their first teeth between four and seven months of age.
Some may get their first white cap as early as three months, while others may have to wait until they are a year or older.
While teething, baby will be in discomfort and cranky.
How can parents help to ease their distress?
Here's some tips to share. Hope this helps.
- To ease his discomfort, give your child something to chew on, such as a firm teething rings, water filled, chilled rubber teething toys or a cold washcloth.
- If your baby is old enough for solid foods, he may also get some relief from eating cold foods like chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches as they will looked more appealing to your baby and also more nutritious than a chilled teething ring. The cold may numb the pain temporarily.
- Offering your baby a cold bottle of water can also help. If sucking on the bottle bothers your child, offer a cold cup of water. The water can also help replenish your baby’s fluid if they’re drooling a lot or have loose bowel movements.
- Giving your baby a hard, unsweetened teething cracker such as zwieback to gnaw on is another way to help relieve his pain.
*Avoid carrots or lollipops, as they can be a choking hazard. Try to ensure that your baby is getting the sleep he needs to during this uncomfortable time. Keep a consistent nighttime routine to help your baby sleep better.

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