Nursing Mother's with a history of asthma or eczema may need to be more cautious about foods they consume. A study being done in Canada has found that nursing mothers may pass peanut proteins in breast milk to their infants. Such early exposure to these kind of allergens could put babies at risk, developing potentially fatal allergies.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nursing Mothers may be giving their infants food allergies.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
10:50 AM
Labels: News Article, Pregnancy
Choosing the correct breast pump
What Type of Breast Pump Is Right For U?

Do you plan to pump and store several containers of milk?
Are you returning to work?
Will you be away from your baby for several days?
The amount of time it takes to pump varies, but certain types of breast pumps may be easier to use and extract milk faster.
If you plan to pump at work or do not have a lot of time to pump, you may want to consider a battery or electrically powered breast pump. Double and double-alternating pumps may also decrease the amount of time it takes to pump because both breasts can be emptied at the same time.
Review the instructions included with several different pumps and choose a pump that is easy for you to assemble, use, clean, and take apart. If you are shopping for a pump in a store, ask a salesperson if the store has display breast pumps so you can practice assembling and taking apart several different pumps before you buy one.
Keep in mind that for health reasons most stores will not allow you to return a breast pump.
Manual and battery-powered pumps can be easy to transport and use in small spaces, while an electric pump will require an outlet to power the pump and may be difficult to transport.
It is important that women who use a powered breast pump are prepared for emergency situations when electricity or extra batteries may not be available. Having extra supplies for pumping and a back-up method, such as a manual breast pump, may help a woman maintain her breast pumping schedule during an emergency.
5) Do you need a pump that is easy to transport?
If you travel frequently, or plan to pump at work consider buying a light-weight pump that transports easily in a carrying case that holds the pump and your pumping supplies.
If you plan to pump in the same place every time, you may not need to worry about how easy it is to transport.
Make sure that the breast-shield opening is the correct size for you. You should be able to comfortably center your nipple inside the breast-shield. Many pumps are sold with one size of breast-shield. If the included breast-shields make your nipples sore or are otherwise uncomfortable, make sure you can replace them with a different size or texture that is comfortable for you and will work with your pump.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
10:31 AM
Labels: Pregnancy
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Education Programmes For All Ages @ the Zoo!
There's some educational programmes organized by the zoo. This is really interesting. Some programmes are catered for different age groups. The one I'm introducing here is one which suits all ages. You can bring your kids along to zoo one of these days. I'm sure you'll enjoy your day there.
Animals fascinate children. At the Singapore Zoo, we use this fascination as a platform to reach out to children and make learning an enthralling journey for the little ones. The journey engages them with sight, sounds, touch, smell and taste.
Domestic Animals (Held at Animal Land)

Insects and other Invertebrates Insects and invertebrates are unlike us in that they do not have backbones. Come face to face with some of these fascinating creatures that wear their skeletons on the outside and unearth interesting facts about them. Get to know the Creepy Crawlies, pat a stick insect, a hissing cockroach or a giant millipede if you dare!
Animals and What They Eat
Mad About Elephants
Cool Cats Be awed and fascinated by the beauty of the tigers, leopards, lions and other cats. Run your fingers over their pelts, hold their paws and discover the secret behind the texture of their rough tongue.

Target Age Group:
All ages
30 mins per session
$3.60 per pax (excludes admission) Minimum 30 paxN.B. - For every 10 students, 1 adult admits free
Auditorium (Learning Centre) unless stated otherwise.
Booking Procedure:
Note: All the programmes are available on a first-come-first served basis.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:09 AM
Labels: Courses/Outings
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Pregnancy Loss - Dealing with Miscarriage and Other Forms of Loss
How to cope with grief and every day living after the loss of your pregnancy or baby due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, preterm labor, stillbirth or neonatal death.
Here's some brief information for your knowledge. Most importantly, Take good care of yourself.
Pregnancy Loss: Pregnancy loss is defined as the loss of a pregnancy at any point before birth. It can be at a very early point in the first trimester due to miscarriage or near the end of pregnancy as a stillbirth. Each type of pregnancy loss is different and is experienced differently for each family suffering the grief of that loss.
Miscarriage: Miscarriage is usually defined as the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, about the half way point, before your baby can survive outside of the uterus. The vast majority of miscarriages occur in the first trimester. Sometimes they are caused by a blighted ovum, or egg that failed to develop.
Tubal Pregnancy: Tubal pregnancy is also know as an ectopic pregnancy. This is a pregnancy that grows outside of the uterus, most frequently in the fallopian tube. Since other structures are not capable of carrying a growing baby, the pregnancy is doomed. This can be a very serious and often life threatening situation for the woman.
Preterm Labor: Preterm labor does not always lead to preterm birth, but when it does, there is a greater chance of neonatal death. When a baby is born early, it is unable to survive as well and faces extra challenges from the premature birth. Even with vast amounts of technology we cannot always save these early babies.
Stillbirth: After the midpoint of pregnancy, around 20 weeks, if your baby dies for any reason before birth, it is said to be still born. The stillbirth rate is about 1% of all pregnancies. Birth is usually induced right away, though not always.
Grief: After a pregnancy loss you may feel very numb and not know what to do. Seek help from a group of parents in similar situations, your hospital should be able to help point you in the right direction. There are other ways such as memorial services and grief counseling that work well. Others find that individual counseling is helpful. Doing what is best for your family will be what you need.
Family Issues: If someone you know has had a pregnancy loss, you may not know what to say or do. You may worry about how to act around them or be unsure of what they want you to to help them. The best advice is to always ask what you can do to help.
Having Another Baby: Many families go on to try again. Having a pregnancy after any type of pregnancy loss is often very scary for you and your family. You may need to have extra visits with your doctor or midwives to help you emotionally deal with being pregnant again. Be calm and patient with yourself and each other.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
4:46 PM
Labels: Pregnancy
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Barbie Girls Lastest Cool Toys
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
12:00 PM
Labels: Kid's Corner
Sorry, you didn't have cancer

Eason had both of her breasts surgically removed, only to hear the unthinkable: She never had cancer.
"All the things that I had gone through with my family, my was unnecessary," said Ms Eason.
According to the New York Health Department, Eason's misdiagnosis was the result of a laboratory error.
Eason's lawyer, Steve Pegalis, says his client was told she had cancer, while another woman was told she did not.
Now, Eason is suing the laboratory. "Something should have been done to tell me that there wasn't anything wrong with me before I had a radical double mastectomy," she said.
For years, women have been urged to seek second opinions and to have their lab results rechecked. But that is little comfort for Eason, who now has to live the rest of her life with an irreversible mistake.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:21 AM
Labels: News Article
Eat fish while pregnant
Fish including mackerel, sardines, light tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- components of fat known to help brain development. Walnuts, flaxseed oil and leafy green vegetables also contain the compounds.
Women need the nutrients to prevent postpartum depression and babies need them for brain and motor skill development, the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies coalition says.
The coalition, which includes the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says "90 percent of women are consuming less than the recommended amount of fish."
But these fish can also carry high levels of mercury, which is a brain and nerve toxin.
Because of this, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency issued consumer advisories in 2001 and 2004 advising women who were pregnant, breast-feeding or trying to become pregnant, as well as young children, to eat no more than 12 ounces weekly of certain types of fish.
Estimates on the dangers posed by mercury come from people exposed in chemical spills. No major studies have shown evidence mercury from food or vaccines has caused brain damage to mothers or children.
Michael Bender, director of The Mercury Policy Project, an advocacy group that believes mercury exposure has damaged children, said women should choose fish not likely to be contaminated with mercury.
"While it's recognized that fish is an important source of protein, especially for pregnant women, this new emphasis on eating more than 12 ounces of fish per week, without mention of the need to avoid mercury contaminated fish, appears to throw the baby out with the bath water," he said in a statement.
The FDA and EPA "recognized that there is enough mercury in certain fish to pose health risks, especially for heavy and moderate fish consumers, women of child-bearing age and children.
Mercury is released mainly in industrial and power-plant emissions. It settles into lakes and oceans and builds up in the flesh of fish and the animals that eat the fish.
Carnivores such as tuna and sharks thus carry high levels of mercury in their flesh.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:11 AM
Labels: News Article
Sleep trouble not an inevitable part of pregnancy
Myriad factors can disturb sleep throughout pregnancy, from getting up at night to urinate to trying to accommodate a giant belly comfortably, Dr. Jodi A. Mindell, associate director of the Sleep Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told Reuters Health. However, she added, "almost all of those things you can manage at some level."
And getting enough sleep is important for an expectant mother's health, as well as that of her fetus, added Mindell, whose book "Sleep Deprived No More: From Pregnancy to Early Motherhood," will be published November 15.
She points to a study that found women who got less than 6 hours of sleep a night for their last month of pregnancy had longer labors (29 hours vs. 18 hours) and a greater risk of having a C-section compared to women who logged at least 7 hours of sleep nightly.
Mindell is a spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which is seeking to increase awareness of the importance of sleep for pregnant woman as part of its National Campaign for Healthier Babies Month this October.
She offers several tips for pregnant women to help battle sleep troubles:
* Get daily fluid requirements before dinner to prevent frequent nighttime bathroom trips.
* Eat a snack before bedtime to stave off nighttime hunger and nausea.
* Use plenty of pillows to get comfortable in bed; a pillow to support the belly and another between the legs to support the hips can help.
* Stay away from caffeine after lunchtime
* Use good sleep hygiene -- have a soothing pre-bedtime ritual, make the bedroom a comfortable haven for sleep, and try to keep a consistent sleep schedule.
One in four women will develop restless legs syndrome during pregnancy, noted Mindell, which is "a very uncomfortable, creepy crawly feeling in the legs" that can only be alleviated by moving them around. The syndrome can be related to iron deficiency, which becomes increasingly common after 20 weeks of pregnancy, so women who are experiencing it should get their iron levels checked, she advised.
Getting enough sleep after baby is born is essential, too, but more difficult, especially in the first six weeks of an infant's life, says Mindell. New moms should follow the time-honored advice to sleep when their baby does, and should get all the help they can, she adds. Being sure to get outdoors into bright light, especially in the morning, can also help new moms sleep better, according to Mindell.
"You've got to make sleep a priority -- you really need to put aside those visions you have of being the perfect new mom with the perfectly clean house and gourmet meals on the table," she said.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:03 AM
Labels: News Article
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Airplane travel with your baby
2) When you make your reservations, give the agent the ages of all passengers. You may learn some important rules such as:
- Some airlines do not allow newborns to fly, check on age requirements.
- Some airlines offer discounted prices for children’s tickets.
- Most airplanes have only one extra oxygen mask in each row, which means you can only seat one lap-child in each row. If two adults are traveling with two children, consider sitting across the aisle from each other, or two behind two.
- Some airlines count carseats or strollers as extra baggage.

- If you have an infant, ask for the bulkhead (front row) and request a bassinet.
- Contrary to popular advice, I think it’s best to avoid the bulkhead with older babies and toddlers, because these seats offer neither under-seat space nor seat pocket, so you'll have to store all your toys and supplies in the overhead compartment. Also, in the bulkhead, the food tray pops up from the armrest, effectively trapping you in your seat when your table is laden with food.
- Don’t put your child in the aisle seat, as the food cart and passengers carrying luggage could injure your child.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
6:15 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Yummy Bacon Buddies Recipe
Have fun with your kids preparing this burger delight!
700g top ground sirloin or any choice lean beef200g bacon, minced
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 tbsp breadcrumbs
3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
1 tbsp Dijon mustard (preferably with mustard seeds)
4 wholegrain burger buns or muffins, split and toasted
4 slices mozzarella
4 eggs, fried (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Iceberg or baby lettuce and sliced tomatoes to serve
1. Combine beef, bacon, broth, beaten egg, breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, mustard, salt and pepper in a medium bowl to mix well. Divide mixture equally and shape into ¾-inch thick patties. Refrigerate for about an hour to set.
2. Grill patties over medium coal or toast on a heavy skillet, oiled with a little butter or olive oil (over medium heat) for about two minutes on each side.
3. Place in a pre-heated oven (150 deg C) to cook for about six minutes for medium rare or up to 10 minutes for well-done.
4. Complete process by grilling on open coal or a skillet for another two minutes, placing the cheese slices on top of the last flip.
5. Serve immediately, dressed with salad, relish, and your choice of mayonnaise or a light cream dressing.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
5:53 PM
Labels: Recipes
Smoking while breastfeeding affects babies' sleep
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
5:36 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Friday, September 21, 2007
What women really eat in pregnancy?

· Natural organic yogurt provides friendly bacteria – good for the digestive system. Add your own fruit for a tasty treat.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
2:46 PM
Labels: Pregnancy
Thursday, September 20, 2007
How to Buy Infants’ Best Educational Toys?

Here are some tips you need to know to understand more about your infants’ best educational toys.
Guideline for Your Toyshop
Remember these guidelines as you toyshop for your baby:
1. The visual perception of infants is limited, so make sure to buy toys in bright, contrasting colors.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
5:21 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Bathing your Newborn Baby
If you're not sure how to bath your baby, this article will help give you step-by-step instructions how to give your baby a nice, safe, clean bath!First, you should ensure that you have a suitable baby bathtub for the job. Preferable, use a bathtub that has a sloped base, and line the base with a non-slip mat. Fill the tub with lukewarm water, testing the temperature with the corner of your elbow.
If may be much easier on your back if you use a changing station. Many of the stations sold in our local department stores come with concealed bath-tubs, hidden under the changing mat. The best thing about these stations is that they are usually the "perfect" height, so that you won't have to bend whilst bathing your little one. Believe me, the bending is back-breaking! Also, many stations have useful compartments and shelves for you to neatly store your soaps, creams, powders, diapers and other baby stuff!
*Make sure that all fans and airconditioners are turned off - you wouldn't want baby to catch a chill!
Step by Step:
The first thing you need to do is to wash your baby's hair, behind the ears and neck. You can do this before placing baby into the water, and you can keep his cloths on until after you've washed his head. Don't wash his face - that will probably only make him struggle! You can use sterilized cotton dipped in cool sterilized water to wipe his face before or after his bath.To bath baby, place him gently in the bathtub whilst supporting his head, making sure that he doesn't hit his head if he should kick or push himself upwards! Use a soft sponge (I recommend Mothercare sponges) to scrub him gently. Splash the water all over his body for a good wash, avoiding his face and ears. Most importantly, don't miss any crevices.
How do I hold my baby when he's taking his bath?
Well, you should ensure that you support his neck with your forearm. With the same hand, grip around his armpit securely. This will ensure that baby doesn't slip from your grip and injure himself. Use your free hand to lather and scrub your baby.Talk to him in a gentle, reassuring tone to help him enjoy the bath!

Posted by
~ Brenda ~
5:08 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Toddlers are smarter than apes

Posted by
~ Brenda ~
6:26 PM
Labels: News Article
How food affects your kids behaviour

· Avoid dehydration. Children are more easily affected by a lack of fluid than adults, and even mild dehydration can result in headaches and irritability.
· Eating breakfast can improve school performance and reduce symptoms of depression and hyperactivity.
· Give regular meals and snacks. Children become more whingey and easily upset when they're hungry.
· Provide plenty of iron-rich foods (meat, fish and fortified breakfast cereals). Low iron levels can lead to lethargy, irritability and depression.
· Avoid processed foods. Instead make meals and snacks from fresh, wholesome food whenever possible and include plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
4:46 PM
Labels: Baby Health, Parenting Tips
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Summer Sand-Sation @ White Sasnd
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
10:57 AM
Labels: Courses/Outings
Thursday, September 13, 2007
8.4- Magnitude Sumatra Earthquake Affected Singapore!
Check out this video clip taken at my parents house at Eunos to see the impact of the tremor!
The above video clip is taken by my dad this morning, 13 Sep 2007, when tremor is again felt.
SINGAPORE : Singapore buildings swayed after an earthquake hit Indonesia on Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007, evening and this morning, 13 Sep 2007, around 8am.
Residents in various parts of the island felt the quake and people in some buildings, including in the central business district, were evacuated as a safety precaution.Areas in Singapore which felt the tremors included Novena, Paris Ris, Raffles Place, Potong Pasir, Marsiling, Toa Payoh and Thomson Road.
Singapore’s Meteorological Services said the earthquake measured 8.5 on the Richter Scale. The preliminary reading was 7.9.
The earthquake struck out at sea at 7.10pm. Its epicentre was 120 kilometres south—west of the Sumatran town of Bengkulu, at a depth of 15 kilometres.
This is some 670 kilometres from Singapore.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:33 AM
Labels: News Article
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Power of Epsom Salt
You can get them easily in Singapore from any pharmacies. Quite cheap :)
Improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
Improve the body's ability to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.
Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.
Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Also, calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.
Relieve stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well being and relaxation.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
2:07 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Rash of Sore Eyes
Sudden onset of red, itchy eyes. There may also be fever, headache, running nose, sore throat and muscle aches…
What should you do if you child gets infected?
Avoid rubbing their eyets and should wash their hands after touching their eyes. Eye drops and eye wash should not be shared…

Posted by
~ Brenda ~
12:05 PM
Labels: Baby Health
Monday, September 10, 2007
Yeah! NATAS FAIR 2007 is here! :)
Take this chance to check out any nice place for a trip with your family or love ones.

Date : September 14 - 16
Venue : Singapore Expo Halls 4B & 5
Expect a full-force of globetrotters on the lookout for the best travel experiences from laidback retreats and romantic getaways to adventure-filled explorations at the consumer travel fair. NATAS Holidays 2007 puts all travelers under one roof for the ultimate offers. Exhibitors include NATAS travel agencies, national tourist organisations, hotels & resorts, attractions, airlines, cruises, car rental, travel insurance, winter clothings and travel luggage & accessories.
For more information, please contact the events department at
or call 6534-0187.
Visit Holidays 2007 @
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
2:53 PM
Labels: Courses/Outings
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Hospital Charges
Tel: 62934044
Single deluxe room $430.50
Single room $362.25
2-bedded room $210.00
4-bedded room $141.75
Lodger (extra bed) with meals $59.85
Single room Double room 4-bedded room
Normal delivery
- 2 days $1,764.00 $1,050.00 $934.50
- 3 days $2,168.25 $1,349.25 $1,176.00
Normal delivery (with epidural)
- 2 days $2,084.25 $1,370.25 $1,254.75
- 3 days $2,488.50 $1,669.50 $1,496.250
Assisted delivery
- 2 days $1,853.25 $1,139.25 $1,023.75
- 3 days $2,257.50 $1,438.50 $1,265.25
Assisted delivery (with epidural)
- 2 days $2,173.50 $1,459.50 $1,344.00
- 3 days $2,577.75 $1,758.75 $1,585.50
Caesarean section (with GA)
- 3 days $2,919.00 $1,858.50 $1,685.25
- 4 days $3,323.25 $2,157.75 $1,926.75
Caesarean section (with epidural)
- 3 days $2,793.00 $1,732.50 $1,559.25
- 4 days $3,197.25 $2,031.75 $1,800.75
Gleneagles Hospital
Gleneagles suite $3,684.45
Tanglin suite $3,159.45
Napier/Nassim suite $1,584.45
Executive suite $765.45
Deluxe (maternity) room $525.00
Single room $407.40
2-bedded room $241.50
4-bedded room $178.50
Other Charges
Nursery (after mum's discharge) $89.25 per day
Single deluxe room $661.50
Single room $407.40
2-bedded room $241.50
4-bedded room $178.50
VIP room (with attached lounge) $2,625.00
Lodger (extra bed) with meals $78.75
Other Charges
Nursery $52.50 per day
Class A1+ (upgraded ward) $280.00
Class A1 (1-bedded) $250.00
Class B1 (4-bedded) $150.00
Class B2 (6-bedded) $50.00
VIP suite $764.40
Super deluxe single $512.40
Single-bedded room $367.50
2-bedded room $216.30
4-bedded room $168.00
Other Charges
Nursery-cot bed $100.00 per day
Companion Accommodation
VIP suite $100.00 daily
Super deluxe single $85.00 daily
Single-bedded room $75.00 daily
Daily Room Rates Treatment Fee Nursery
Single room $262.50 $63.00 $31.50
4-bedded room $168.00 $52.50 $31.50
6-bedded room $50.00 $16.00 $15.00
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
12:54 PM
Labels: Pregnancy
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Fussy Eaters
There's a great deal of difference between asking a child firmly to eat his meal and making him sit in front of a plateful of congealing food for hours. If children refuse to eat and you know that there's no underlying reason, explain that they'll be hungry later and there won't be anything else on offer until the next meal.
One important golden rule is to stay calm and never make an issue out of a refusal to eat. But that's easier said than done when your 2 year old has thrown her meal on the floor because it wasn't quite to her liking, or your 3 year old won't even come to the table. And there's nothing more frustrating than having your offerings rejected by a toddler who has spent the morning stuffing everything inedible he can find in his mouth
. Tempt them with healthy, easy-to-eat finger food, such as cubes of cheese, hard-boiled eggs, baby new potatoes and raisins.
· Don't forget that carrots are still carrots, even if they're baked in a cake – a sneaky way to increase their vegetable intake.
· If they have a nugget fetish, make your own by crumbing chicken or fish fillets.
· Raw food can be more appealing because of its texture. Try broccoli and runner beans as well as carrots and grapes.
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
2:58 PM
Labels: Parenting Tips
Kiddie Treats!

Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:43 AM
Labels: Courses/Outings
Iweeks @ S'pore Discovery Centre
Check out the New Shows available from Singapore Discovery Centre!
Giving you the luxury of a 5-Storey Giant Screen!
So why wait? Bring your whole family out for a fun and enjoyable momemt! :)
Ratatouille* : 12pm, 6pm
For SDC Corporate /Family card members & Admission Plus tickets holders only.
Remy is a rat, constantly risking life in an expensive French restaurant because of his love of good food, as well as a desire to become a chef. Yet, obviously, this is a rather tough dream for a rat. But opportunity knocks...
Everest (2D) : 9:15am, 11am, 3pm & 5pm
An inspirational and spell-binding ascent with a daring team of climbers who found hope, beauty and triumph.....
Robots of Mars (3D) : 10:15am, 2:15pm & 4pm
Set in a wacky robot world, Robots of Mars - 3D Adventure is a zany comedy that follows the hilarious misadventures of Sparky the Robot and his gang of wacky mechanical pals.
**Free Seating. First-come-first-served. Showtimes subject to change. Free Parking.
Closed on Monday (except School & Pulic Holidays)
Venue : 510 Upper Jurong Rd
Tel : 67926888
How to go?
PIE Exit No. 40 or AYE Exit No. 20

(Send in your baby/kids photo to for a FREE write up in this blog! More details, check out the "Baby/Kid Write up" Section in the blog.)
Posted by
~ Brenda ~
11:19 AM
Labels: Courses/Outings